I was waiting eagerly at the midnight for the my Google Summer of Code GSOC Result. Anxiousness was at great height.I was almost sweating and couldn’t sleep from last 30 hours. Then the result came out and i was SELECTED for the project which i made the proposal just 3 hours before the deadline.
Yes ! I made it to GSOC ;)
It was the moment which will be cherished forever and then i shared the news with my family and friends. They all were super-duper happy for me.
It really feels great to be a part of GSOC :D
I got to learn about GSOC from my senior who is doing Cool stuffs in machine learning these days :D. Without his help it would be very much difficult for me to crack in my 2nd year only. A real Big Thanks to him.
I was selected in GSOC under Mifos Initiative.
Mifos is a diverse community of microfinance institutions, technology professionals, business people, volunteers, and contributors. I am really excited to start working on my project “Browser Based Offline access” this summer.